

▲ 20000mAh 行動電源 可帶上 飛機 嗎?|2025年最新出國前必看規定 _圖片出處 ChatGPT

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隨著現代科技的飛速發展,行動電源已經成為人們日常生活中不可或缺的配件之一。然而,在乘坐飛機時,對於行動電源的使用往往受到一定的限制。這引發了一個廣泛的問題:2025年最新出國前必看規定, 能否攜帶 20000mAh 行動電源 帶上 飛機 上呢?本文將從不同的角度進行探討,以解答這個問題。

20000mAh 行動電源 可帶上 飛機 嗎?最新出國前必看規定

大多數航空公司對於乘客攜帶行動電源都有一定的規定。一般而言, 行動電源 的額定容量在100Wh以下是可以攜帶上 飛機 的,但必須放在隨身行李中,禁止放在托運行李中。而超過100Wh的行動電源則需與航空公司提前申報,並獲得許可方可攜帶。因此,如果一個 20000mAh 行動電源 的電壓在5V的情況下,其容量為 100Wh(計算方法為電壓(V)x 容量(Ah)/ 1000),則基本上是符合航空公司的規定的,可帶上 飛機 上的。



在 行動電源 帶上 飛機 前,先知道 Wh 單位如何換算


動電源上標示電壓(V)和容量(mAh):Wh=V x mAh÷1000

其中,V 是行動電源的電壓,Ah 是行動電源的容量(單位為mAh)。

舉例來說,如果一個行動電源的額定容量為 20000mAh,電壓為 5V,那麼它的能量就是:

Wh=V x mAh÷1000








在飛機上攜帶行動電源還需考慮到安全問題。大容量的行動電源如果不妥當使用或保管,可能存在一定的安全隱患。例如,如果行動電源在使用過程中出現短路或過熱,可能會導致火災或其他意外情況。因此,即使航空公司允許攜帶 20000mAh 的行動電源,乘客在使用過程中仍應注意安全,避免造成不必要的危險。


除了攜帶行動電源外,乘客在飛機上如需要充電功能怎麼辦?。一般來說,飛機上都配備有充電插座,但有些航班可能只提供特定位置的插座,而且插座的種類也有所不同。因此,乘客在攜帶行動電源的同時,還需確保携帶合格的USB A充電線和轉接頭,以便在飛行中充電。


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Can mobile power banks be used on airplanes?

On many flights, passengers can use mobile power banks to supply power to their devices such as smartphones, tablets, or laptops. However, it’s important to note that the use of mobile power banks during flights may be subject to certain restrictions, which may stem from airline policies or safety considerations specific to the aircraft.

Airline policies typically dictate which types of devices can be powered by mobile power banks and under what circumstances they can be used. Airlines may prohibit the use of mobile power banks during takeoff and landing, or require devices to be switched to flight mode when using a power bank. Additionally, some airlines may impose limits on the capacity of mobile power banks and require passengers to declare and obtain permission before use.

Furthermore, safety considerations onboard aircraft also influence the use of mobile power banks. For instance, there may be restrictions on the use of electronic devices, especially those being charged, to prevent overheating or other potential safety risks. Consequently, airlines may require restrictions on the use of mobile power banks under specific circumstances.

Safety concerns regarding the use of mobile power banks on airplanes

Using mobile power banks on airplanes also raises safety concerns. Improper use or storage of high-capacity power banks may pose certain safety hazards. For example, if a mobile power bank experiences a short circuit or overheating during use, it could lead to a fire or other accidents. Therefore, even if airlines permit the carriage of 20000mAh mobile power banks, passengers should still exercise caution and adhere to safety guidelines to avoid unnecessary risks.


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