
iPhone容量滿了 ? 教您輕鬆釋放空間

▲ iPhone容量滿了 怎麼辦?(圖片來源: unsplash)

iPhone容量滿了 ,如何教你輕鬆存取iOS檔案到USB隨身碟

如果你的 iPhone容量滿了 ,別擔心,只要一台小小的四合一讀卡機,隨時支援裝置檔案的存取,爆容量就把東西透過多功能轉接器存到其他記憶卡或USB隨身碟裡面吧!

台灣實測 iOS 14 轉接 HDMI 螢幕



Lightning介面是從2012年9月隨著iPhone5推出的,取代了30Pin 的Dock接口並小80%。Lightning介面正反兩面都有8PIN觸點,支援正反插。它兩面各有8個針腳,白色的部分讓這些針腳相互絕緣。最外層的金屬實際上起到的是接地功能,因此嚴格的說Lightning介面採用的是9Pin針腳設計。介面的兩邊各有一點點凹進去的地方,這個主要是為了能夠緊緊的卡在插槽中。

iOS 支援哪些檔案系統格式

USB 隨身碟必須只能有單一資料分割區,且必須格式化為 FAT、FAT32、exFAT(FAT64)或 APFS

iOS 如何讀寫 USB 隨身碟內的檔案?

在 USB 隨身碟連接至 iPhone 後, 使用「檔案」App 來讀取USB 隨身碟和 SD 卡等外接裝置上的檔案

如何打開 iOS 滑鼠游標?


閱讀相關文章: 如何讓 iPhone 連接HDMI電視和OTG USB 週邊?

閱讀相關文章: 不用買電視盒! 也能在 電視 播放 4K Disney+



If your iPhone storage is running low, you need to tweak these settings

Don’t upgrade to a phone with more space just yet. We’ll walk you through how to make the most of the iPhone storage you have now.

How do you choose the storage capacity for your iPhone?

If you’re looking for a new iPhone, you also have to decide on the storage capacity. The new standard is 128GB, but there are even devices with 512GB. Such a high storage capacity isn’t important for everyone. An iPhone with such a high storage capacity also means it’s more expensive. We’re happy to help you choose the right storage capacity for you.

Choose iPhone storage capacity

You’ve finally found the perfect iPhone. But how much storage capacity do you need? Here, you’ll find a brief explanation about the different storage capacities:

  • 32GB: limited local storage
  • 64GB: enough for basic use
  • 128GB: enough for the average user
  • 256GB: store photos, videos, series, and music offline
  • 512GB: never worry about storage space

Your operating system also takes up storage

With a 256GB storage capacity, you never actually have 256GB of storage space. The operating system on your device and standard apps already take up quite a bit of storage capacity. Calculating in advance how much storage you need for your device? Add about 20 percent to that. That way, you know for sure you’re making the right choice. It’s best to think about this before placing your order, because you can’t expand the storage of your iPhone later on. You can of course always use cloud services to store all your files.


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