OTG 是什麼意思?
OTG全稱On-The-Go,這是在USB2.0引入的一種mode,提出了一個新的概念叫主機協商協議(Host Negotiation Protocol),允許兩個設備間商量誰去當Host。
通過 OTG 技術可以將USB周邊設備(USB device)轉化爲主機 (USB host),與其它設備進行數據交換。比如支持該功能的智慧型手機,就可以通過OTG轉換器連接USB接口的U盤、滑鼠、鍵盤、攝像頭等設備。
我的手機 是否支援 USB OTG 功能?
下載 App 檢測 Android 三星 手機是否支援 USB OTG ?

實測讀取 FAT32 exFAT NTFS APFS 四種 File System 檔案系統格式
FAT32 ✅ 能支援
exFAT ✅ 能支援
NTFS ❌ 不能支援
APFS ❌ 不能支援
我們使用 Google Play App 「檔案管理員 File Manager Plus」 進行測試
由此下載 👉 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.alphainventor.filemanager&hl=zh_TW&gl=US

實測 OTG 讀取資料同時轉接 HDTV 輸出
USB OTG 功能和 HDTV 輸出 的 DisplayPort alt mode 功能, 可以同時使用

使用完畢 USB隨身碟 拔出前 請先 Unmount 卸載!!!
OK!這樣就安全地移除了OTG U盤啦~ 大家以後用OTG設備時,可試著移除,別再直接拔啦~

What is an OTG cable and what is it used for?
An OTG or On The Go adapter (sometimes called an OTG cable, or OTG connector) allows you to connect a full sized USB flash drive or USB A cable to your phone or tablet through the Micro USB or USB-C charging port. You may have gotten one in the box when you purchased your device, although they can also be purchased separately from lots of major retailers. It allows the transfer of data as well as connectivity to peripherals.
You can do the following with an OTG cable:
* Plug in keyboards and mouse to the mobile
* Access USB sticks and external hard drives ** (no need to store on device if using file manager to access)
* Transfer photos directly from a compatible camera on to the phone
* Connect smartphone directly to printer
* Copy information from one device to another with Samsung Smart Switch
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