
玻璃保護貼 及 塑膠保護貼 第一選擇? | 手機保護貼 2大材質 優缺點

手機保護貼 優缺點
▲ 手機玻璃保護貼 及 手機塑膠保護貼 | 手機保護貼 優缺點 (圖片出處 unsplash)  Z126

手機保護貼 優缺點 各不同,哪一個才是第一考量?




優點 :

  • 耐用且有彈性。根據一些測試,即使掉落或鎚擊手機也不會造成損壞
  • 可重複使用。可隨時更換塑膠保護貼,價格比玻璃保護貼便宜,可以長時間保護您的手機安全。如果您需要使用防水手機殼,塑膠保護貼是您手機的第一選擇

缺點 :

  • 刮痕及汙垢痕跡較為明顯。與玻璃保護貼相比,塑膠保護貼較薄
  • 容易造成手機損壞。塑膠保護貼更容易受到損壞,無法覆蓋手機的彎曲邊緣
  • 明顯的指紋痕跡。使用手機後螢幕上會容易留下指紋,因此您可能需要經常擦拭手機
  • 裂痕和刮痕會被放大。如果使用塑膠保護貼,可能存在的小裂痕和刮痕可能會變得更大
  • 手感上比較不滑順。塑膠螢幕貼可能不像玻璃保護貼手感滑順
  • 耐刮摩擦較差。塑膠保護貼可能不太耐刮擦,不能完全覆蓋手機




  • 可以幫助去除油漬和指紋痕跡
  • 由耐刮和耐油的材料製成
  • 觸控靈敏度更滑順、更準確
  • 與塑膠保護貼相比較,玻璃保護貼更加清晰
  • 玻璃保護貼較容易清潔


  • 玻璃保護貼使用時需要小心,以免容易出現裂痕
  • 更換玻璃保護貼時,容易破碎,造成手割傷狀況

塑膠保護貼 及 玻璃保護貼 兩款比較結果


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Tempered Glass vs. Plastic Screen Protectors: When buying a new smartphone, accessories for it should not be disregarded. Accessories will not only make it fashionable but also increase its functionality. Indeed, you want to protect your smartphone from damage and keep it looking great always. When looking for protective gear for your phone, you might be torn between plastic screen protectors and tempered glass.

Plastic Screen Protectors

Indeed, nobody wants to see his/her phone with a broken or cracked touchscreen. It’s heartbreaking, especially when the phone is recently purchased. Plastic screen protectors are very much available in the market nowadays, and they are commonly used to protect the phone.

Tempered Screen Protectors

Tempered screen protectors are a common choice of phone owners who want to cover the entire screen without damaging the edges. Made through an extensive heating and cooling process, tempered glass protectors are stronger and can endure extreme conditions. They are also infused with multiple layers containing anti-shatter film, oleophobic nano-coating and of course, a penetrable silicone coating. All these elements make tempered glass more durable than normal glass.


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