
手機透明殼變黃怎麼辦? | 教您輕鬆擺脫泛黃困擾

▲ 手機透明殼 變黃 怎麼辦 ?

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手機透明殼 為什麼會 變黃 ?



1. 使用洗碗精

  • 取一杯溫水,加入幾滴洗碗精混合。
  • 用混合水的洗碗精擦洗手機殼,注意所有角落。
  • 用軟布擦乾,讓其風乾至少一小時。
  • 每週重複此步驟以清除有害的化學物質和多餘的油脂。

2. 小蘇打的魅力

  • 撒少量小蘇打在手機殼表面。
  • 用濕牙刷擦洗污漬。
  • 沖洗小蘇打,用軟布擦去水和濕氣。
  • 繼續沖洗以去除殘留的小蘇打,再次擦拭晾乾。

3. 擦拭酒精

  • 將布浸入酒精中,塗在手機殼上。
  • 將手機放在沾有酒精的布上一段時間。
  • 取下沾有酒精的布,使用乾燥的布擦拭。
  • 將手機殼風乾一小時。




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Transparent phone cases have become a popular choice for smartphone users, offering a sleek and minimalistic look while providing essential protection. However, over time, users may encounter a common issue – the yellowing of their once crystal-clear phone cases. This phenomenon can be frustrating, as it not only affects the aesthetic appeal but also raises questions about the case’s durability and quality.

Causes of Yellowing:

The primary material used in transparent phone cases is silicone, a polymer known for its flexibility and affordability. Despite its initial clarity, the silicone polymer undergoes a natural aging process influenced by various environmental factors. Exposure to excessive light, different types of chemicals, and heat contribute to the yellowing of the polymer over time. It is crucial to understand that this change in color is a result of material degradation rather than external dirt or stains.


If these methods prove ineffective, or if the phone case is beyond restoration, it might be time to consider purchasing a new one. Regularly employing these cleaning techniques, along with investing in high-quality phone cases and tempered glass screen protectors from trusted providers like MPG, can help maintain the longevity and appearance of your smartphone accessories. Remember, keeping your phone case clean is not just about aesthetics – it’s a practical investment in the overall health and performance of your device.


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