
手機保護貼 ,款式 差異 在哪?如何挑選?

手機保護貼 差異
▲ 手機保護貼 該如何選擇? 差異 在哪 ? (圖片來源: unsplash)

手機保護貼 很多款式,但您知道該如何選擇嗎?而 差異 在哪?

手機保護貼 款式很多種類 ,價格十元到百元、夜市到專櫃樣式通通都有,但您是不是擔憂買到不是自己要的款式,導致損失一片玻璃貼。為了避免這情況發生,這就來教大家認識常見的手機玻璃貼材質,與熱門大眾手機保護貼 差異 ,不要再被當盤子!

手機保護貼 材質介紹 及 差異

常見的就是 鋼化玻璃、磨砂、防窺


優點 ➡ 超高硬度保護螢幕、還原螢幕真實色彩

缺點 ➡ 易殘留指紋、反光


優點 ➡ 不易殘留油漬指紋、不會造成反光暈眩

缺點 ➡ 螢幕解析度變低


優點 ➡ 正面才能看清楚內容、適合注重隱私的使用者

缺點 ➡ 螢幕亮度變暗、調亮容易耗電

貼膜達人 讓YouTuber阿媽也能DIY

貼膜神器 小護士親自示範

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Screen protectors first entered the mobile-device market after the rise of personal digital assistants (PDAs). Since PDAs were often operated via a stylus, the tip of the stylus could scratch the sensitive LCD screen surface. Therefore, screen protectors provided sacrificial protection from this damage. Since then, the ubiquity of mobile-devices have seen the screen protector become more widely used.


Screen protectors are made of either plastics, such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) or thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU), or of laminated tempered glass, similar to the device’s original screen they are meant to protect. Plastic screen protectors cost less than glass and are thinner (around 0.1 mm (0.004 in) thick, compared to 0.3 to 0.5 mm (0.012 to 0.020 in) for glass)[2] and more flexible. At the same price, glass will resist scratches better than plastic, and feel more like the device’s screen, though higher priced plastic protectors may be better than the cheapest tempered glass models, since glass will shatter or crack with sufficient impact force.[2]Surface

Screen protectors’ surface can be glossy or matte. Glossy protectors retain the display’s original clarity, while a matte (“anti-glare”) surface facilitates readability in bright environments and mitigates stains such as finger prints.[3]


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