iOS 15.4 正式版來了! iPhone 終於可以戴口罩解鎖 Face ID 啦
蘋果在3月15日凌晨釋出 iOS 15.4 與 iPadOS 15.4 正式版更新,針對 iOS 15.4 更新幅度極大,帶來很多新功能,但也有果粉發現升級過後傳 災情 耗電量 極快!?
本篇替大家整理 iOS 15.4 更新內容,一次全面了解 iPhone 有哪些新功能值得我們注意。
- iPhone支援戴口罩 Face ID 解鎖
- 112種全新Emoji表情符號
- 同播共享 SharPlay 支援音樂
- 支援 4G 網路 OTA 系統更新
- 健康和錢包支援疫苗接種紀錄卡
- AirTag隱私警告
- Siri 語音新增中性聲音和提供時間和日期資訊
- Safari 翻譯支援繁體中文
- 捷徑自動化加入關閉通知
- 通用控制
- iPhone 13 Pro系列放大鏡新增特寫功能
- 緊急 SOS 設定提示
- Podcast 兩大新功能
- 備忘錄與提醒事項新增掃描文字功能
- 新增 iPhone 13 綠色動畫桌布
- 新增追蹤通知
- iCloud 密碼附註
- iCloud郵件自訂電子郵件網域
- News+ 新增 Audio 選單
- 尋找App多出控制功能
- Apple TV待播清單顯示方式
- iPad鍵盤亮度調整功能
- iPadOS 角落手勢
- Apple Watch 支援郵件App
- 捷徑兩個小調整
- 輔助使用旁白支援電影級拍攝
- iPhone 13 Pro系列第三方App支援120Hz刷新
- iPhone舊換新掃描工具 Cosmetic Scan
- 修正iPhone儲存空間卡轉圈問題
- 其他iPhone錯誤修正
iOS 15.4 升級後,iPhone 耗電量 急速下降?
iOS15.4 升級後,續航力減半,果粉們哀聲連連,您手上的iPhone是否消耗電量快速呢?
iPhone SE1 : 2小時52分
iPhone SE2 : 3小時48分
iPhone 6S : 3小時13分
iPhone 7 : 3小時33分
iPhone XR : 5小時11分
iPhone 11 : 5小時34分
iPhone 12 : 6小時12分
iPhone 13 : 8小時16分
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iOS 15.4 has poor battery life?Measured results and causes of 9 iPhones’ power consumption
Since the launch of iOS 15.4, a small number of users have complained that the battery life of the iPhone has deteriorated significantly, and even some users of the iPhone 13 Pro Max large-capacity models have complained that the power can only last for half a day, and some iPhone 11 users have complained that the 24-hour screen is only on for two hours. Only 20% of the power is left, causing many people to point out that the new iOS 15.4 system will reduce battery life. What is going on, is there really a disaster in the new version? In-depth analysis tells you the real reason.
From the above final iOS 15.4 battery life test results, the battery life of many old iPhone devices has been significantly improved after upgrading to iOS 15.4. This version seems to have battery optimization for many iPhones. Among them, the iPhone SE 2 and iPhone 6s have the most obvious improvement. reached 34 minutes and 41 minutes, respectively.