
別急著升 iOS15.4 ! 升級後 iPhone 擴充配件還能不能用?

iOS 15.4 iPhone
▲ 升級 iOS 15.4 後, 我的 iPhone 配件還能用嗎?  (圖片出處 unsplash) Z35a

iOS 15.4 正式版來了! iPhone 終於可以戴口罩解鎖 Face ID 啦

蘋果在3月15日凌晨釋出 iOS 15.4 與 iPadOS 15.4 正式版更新,針對 iOS 15.4 更新幅度極大,帶來很多新功能!
本篇替大家整理 iOS 15.4 更新內容,一次全面了解 iPhone 有哪些新功能值得我們注意。

  • iPhone支援戴口罩 Face ID 解鎖
  • 112種全新Emoji表情符號
  • 同播共享 SharPlay 支援音樂
  • 支援 4G 網路 OTA 系統更新
  • 健康和錢包支援疫苗接種紀錄卡
  • AirTag隱私警告
  • Siri 語音新增中性聲音和提供時間和日期資訊
  • Safari 翻譯支援繁體中文
  • 捷徑自動化加入關閉通知
  • 通用控制
  • iPhone 13 Pro系列放大鏡新增特寫功能
  • 緊急 SOS 設定提示
  • Podcast 兩大新功能
  • 備忘錄與提醒事項新增掃描文字功能
  • 新增 iPhone 13 綠色動畫桌布
  • 新增追蹤通知
  • iCloud 密碼附註
  • iCloud郵件自訂電子郵件網域
  • News+ 新增 Audio 選單
  • 尋找App多出控制功能
  • Apple TV待播清單顯示方式
  • iPad鍵盤亮度調整功能
  • iPadOS 角落手勢
  • Apple Watch 支援郵件App
  • 捷徑兩個小調整
  • 輔助使用旁白支援電影級拍攝
  • iPhone 13 Pro系列第三方App支援120Hz刷新
  • iPhone舊換新掃描工具 Cosmetic Scan
  • 修正iPhone儲存空間卡轉圈問題
  • 其他iPhone錯誤修正

完全相容 iOS 15.4 ! iPhone 影音轉接器實測

iOS 15.4 iPhone
iOS 15.4 iPhone

掃描開機畫面上的 QRCode 下載 Mirror App

iOS 15.4 iPhone

點選 Software Update 升級影音轉接器內的軟體

iOS 15.4 iPhone

⚠️ 軟體升級之前 轉接器請接上電源 ⚠️升級過程不能斷電

iOS 15.4 iPhone

軟體升級之後 新增了畫面旋轉 Portrait Mode 功能

如果你想知道旋轉功能 Portrait Mode 有什麼用, 可以加 LINE @za3c 找客服聊聊唷~

iOS 15.4 iPhone

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iOS 15.4 release notes

Apple’s official release notes are as follows:

iOS 15.4 adds the ability to unlock with Face ID while wearing a mask on iPhone 12 and newer. This update also includes new emoji, a new voice option for Siri, and other features and bug fixes for your iPhone.

Face ID
• Face ID while wearing a mask option on iPhone 12 and newer
• Apple Pay and password autofill in apps and Safari can be used with Face ID while wearing a mask

• New emoji including faces, hand gestures, and household objects are now available in emoji keyboard
• Handshake emoji allows you to choose separate skin tones for each hand

• SharePlay sessions can be initiated directly from supported apps

• Siri can provide time and date information while offline on iPhone XS, iPhone XR, iPhone 11 or newer
• Siri now includes an additional voice, expanding the diversity of options

Vaccine cards
• EU Digital COVID Certificate support in Health enables you to download and store verifiable versions of COVID-19 vaccination, lab results, and recovery records
• COVID-19 vaccination cards in Apple Wallet now support the EU Digital COVID Certificate format

This release also includes the following enhancements for your iPhone:

• Safari webpage translation adds support for Italian and Chinese (Traditional)
• Podcasts app adds episode filters for seasons, played, unplayed, saved, or downloaded episodes
• iCloud custom email domains can be managed from Settings
• News offers enhanced discovery of audio content in the Today feed and Audio tab
• Camera in keyboard can be used to add text to Notes and Reminders
• Shortcuts now supports adding, removing, or querying tags with Reminders
• Emergency SOS settings have changed to use Call with Hold for all users. Call with 5 Presses is still available as an option in Emergency SOS settings
• Close-up in Magnifier uses the ultra-wide camera on iPhone 13 Pro and iPhone 13 Pro Max to help you see small objects
• Saved passwords can now include your own notes in Settings

This release also includes bug fixes for your iPhone:

• Keyboard may insert period between typed numbers
• News widgets in Today View may not open articles when tapped
• Photos and videos may not sync to iCloud Photo Library
• Speak Screen Accessibility feature may quit unexpectedly within the Books app
• Live Listen may not turn off when switched off in Control Center


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